Attempted rescue

I tried my very best to rescue this moth. It was stuck inside my office building and kept going up to a big bank of windows just outside my door. It could see the outside, it just couldn’t reach it.

I gently tried scooping it into my cupped hands. It kept fighting my attempts. I finally got it and proceeded to walk down the three flights of stairs to let it outside. I had my hands gently surrounding it, as to not harm it. It was fluttering madly. On the second floor landing it found a small opening and escaped. It then flew up to the ceiling. There was no way I could save it now. More likely than not, it was going to remain trapped in the building and eventually die.

I just stood there and looked at this poor creature and sighed. How many people do I know that are like this moth? They get themselves into a jam, they clearly see the way out, and when you gently try to help them, they fight your assistance and escape to certain death. They clearly see Jesus in you, shining brightly, and still choose death.

Which what I heard at Women’s group this week was so timely. It was the rules for helping others.

  1. Never work harder on someone else’s problem than they do.
  2. You can’t help someone who doesn’t acknowledge they even have a problem.
  3. If you solve a problem for someone instead of with them, you’ll only have to do it again.
  4. Helping someone who refuses to repent is dumb!

Let me tell you, I have done these very same things and have come to realize it is a waste of time and saps my energy. I want them to be made whole more than they do, and it sucks. But God gave them free will too and I can’t make they do anything they don’t want to do.

So I will just keep praying for them, that their eyes and ears will be be opened to see the Truth. I will keep looking for opportunities when I can lend a hand, and just keep being the Jesus in their life.

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16 thoughts on “Attempted rescue

  1. This analogy of the moth is so accurate indeed Cindi. I was reminded of a certain neighbour who was an alcoholic; try as we might to help Him, he didn’t do anything to help himself and eventually he lost his life. On the plus side he heard the Gospel and accepted Jesus, but didn’t conquer his disease.
    God bless you today sister πŸ™

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  2. They gave us a scenario in seminary during one of our pastoral ministry classes–short version: You come upon a person standing on a bridge. Hundreds of feet below is the raging river. They have a rope tied around them, and they hand you the other end. Then, they jump. What do you do?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yikes! What a question! I guess it depends on how long the rope is and do you have time to tie it off on the bridge. Of course nowadays, I’m sure you’d take out your phone, take a selfie with them first and then record a video of them jumping into the water, so you can post it on Facebook later and gain more followers!


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