WWJD Moment

I had a WWJD (What Would Jesus Do) moment this week as a result of the bridge failure where I live. (See my previous post https://godstillspeakstoday.com/2024/04/20/i-did-not-see-that-coming/)

The state and county worked really hard to open a detour on a dirt county road to allow us access, twice a day. After five days in town I was able to get back home via this route. My normally 30 minute drive took and hour and a half, because they had a pilot car guiding us through. I was grateful that we all could get through. The next morning I was in line waiting for our morning opening. I was 37th in line, and there were a good deal of cars behind me.

At 6am, the pilot car started leading us on. The pickup right behind me was unhappy with the progress we were making and kept going toward the left, like he was going to pass me. What a goof! First of all it is a dirt road. They are working on making it wide enough for traffic, so how is he going to pass me? Then the dust was so bad, it was hard to see. It was like driving in a white out snowstorm in the winter.

When we finally made it to the paved road, he continued his attempts to pass. I mean, really? There are 38 cars in front of you, how much farther ahead do you think you are going to get?

When we came to a passing zone, he did not take advantage of it. No, instead he waited until we came to a curve and passed me and the next car in front of me, disregarding the double yellow lines, and that you could not see around the curve!

I slowed way down, thinking, “Great. After five days we can finally get through and this guy is going to cause an accident where all of us behind him will now have to wait for the tow truck and state patrol to come clean it up before we can get to town.”

Well he made it to town, at the exact same time I did. (Big surprise.) He pulled into the gas station, and here’s where the WWJD moment came in. He got out of his pickup and I walked up to this 20 something kid with my arms spread wide, and gave him a big hug. I proceeded to tell him the following: “Oh my goodness young man! I’m so glad you made it to town safely! The way you were driving scared me! Don’t you know it is dangerous to pass on a double yellow line, especially on a curve where you cannot see if anything is coming? An if I have to use my Mom voice on you, you will not like it! Please don’t ever let me catch you doing that again!”

I let him out of the hug and he stood there stunned. He looked like a little boy who was just caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He then quietly said, “Yes ma’am. I will never do that again.” And then he thanked me.

If I can save his life and the lives of those around him by giving him this life lesson, then it was worth it. There is enough anger to go around in the world right now and I believe this way is what Jesus would have done. While this bridge failure situation is awful and we have no idea how long a solution will take to get our lives back to normal, I want to take advantage of every opportunity to have the light of Jesus shine through me and create wonderful testimonies for others to see Jesus.

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9 thoughts on “WWJD Moment

  1. Wow Cindi! 😲 That is an amazing testimony indeed. Funny enough I had a situation this week with a neighbour shouting at me on my doorstep…I waved him off and shut the door on him. He definitely wasn’t ready for a hug at that time, but I wondered if I handled it as well as I could have done. May our Father God continue to guide and bless you, especially with travelling mercies during your extra driving. 🙏

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